CLIENT HOCO Entertainment & Resorts with Victoria Centre Business Improvement Association, Clifton Hill District
LOCATION Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
CLIENT HOCO Entertainment & Resorts with Victoria Centre Business Improvement Association.
LOCATION Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
CLIENT UEM Urban & Environmental Management Inc.
LOCATION Bolton, Ontario, Canada
Streets are not limited to accommodating various modes of transportation. Their interface with the urban fabric and environment provide linkages and places for people. Design elements such as buffers, edges, planting, furniture, wayfinding, signage, as well as hardscape and softscape materials are intentionally and thoughtfully combined with human scale and behavioral patterns in mind, resulting in streetscapes that are purposeful, safe and comfortable for a variety of users.
At the IDS design studio we know why and how the chicken crossed the road!
- Concept/Design Development
- Wayfinding
- Rendering & 3-D Visualization
- Landscape Architecture
- Guest Experience
- Implementation/Design Intent Review
- Visioning
- Area Development
- Master Planning
- Streetscape Design
- Massing/Spatial Planning
- Branding, Graphic Design/Signage